This function is a wrapper for the track
function of the trackdf
- raw_x
A numeric vector representing the x coordinates of individual(s).
- raw_y
A numeric vector representing the y coordinates of individual(s).
- raw_t
A numeric vector that can be coerced to date-time objects by as datetime representing the times (or frames) at which each location was recorded.
- raw_id
A vector representing the identity of each coordinate recording.
- origin
Something that can be coerced to a date-time object by as_ datetime representing the start date and time of the observations when t is a numeric vector.
- period
A character vector in a shorthand format (e.g. "1 second") or ISO 8601 specification. This is used when t is a numeric vector to represent time unit of the observations.
- tz
A time zone name. See OlsonNames.
- proj
A character string or a
object representing the projection of the coordinates. Leave empty if the coordinates are not projected (e.g., output of video tracking). "+proj=longlat" is suitable for the output of most GPS trackers.- format
A character string indicating the formatting of 't'. See strptime for how to specify this parameter.
- ...
Additional vectors representing categories that the data should be split by. If none, only the date will be used as a unit of data separation.
Marina Papadopoulou
# \donttest{
raw_data <- data.frame(
frame = rep(1:25, 3),
x = rnorm(75),
y = rnorm(75),
id = c(rep(1, 25), rep(2, 25), rep(3, 25))
data <- set_data_format(
raw_x = raw_data$x,
raw_y = raw_data$y,
raw_t = raw_data$frame,
raw_id = raw_data$id,
period = 1,
origin = Sys.time(),
tz = "Africa/Windhoek"
# }